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Email.it, an Italian email provider hacked. 600k users data on sale on Dark Web

Email.it, an Italian email provider hacked. 600k users data on sale on Dark Web

44 database, 600'000 users and password in plein text, SMS and faxes all available

The hacker group NN Hacking Group is selling all the data on the Dark Web.

The hack is dated back January 2018, the hacker group also claimed that since then the email provider is still storing users’ passwords in plain text.

The circumstance could be very genuine in light of the fact that the email supplier has never unveiled an information break regardless of whether it was obliged by the European protection enactment GDPR).

The situation could be  very earnesr due to the fact that until today the email provider has never disclosed a data breach even if it was obliged by the European privacy legislation GDPR.


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