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France newspaper Le Figaro exposed 8 TB of data with 7.4 billion records

France newspaper Le Figaro exposed 8 TB of data with 7.4 billion records

Research team at Safety Detectives came across a leaked database belonging to the oldest French newspaper Le Figaro.

Containing more than 8TB of data along with about 7.4 billion records; the database was hosted on an Elasticsearch server owned by a French company named Pony Telecom.

The data visible included:

  • Emails
  • Full names
  • Home Addresses
  • Passwords for new users, in cleartext and hashed with md5
  • Countries of residence and zip code
  • IP addresses
  • Internal server access tokens

The exposed user data could be used by hackers to pursue identity theft and various forms of fraud against those whose information was leaking. Combining  a user’s email address, personal details, and more, hackers would have ample opportunities to pursue financial, tax, insurance fraud, and much more.


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