+377 99920829‬

Ministro Boris Johnson on Zoom

Ministro Boris Johnson on Zoom

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced on Twitter yesterday that he was presiding over the first ever digital cabinet, while isolating himself in Downing Street after revealing he was suffering from "mild [...]

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Stay at Marriott

Stay at Marriott

The company believes that the following information may have been involved for up to approximately 5.2 million guests, although not all of this information was present for every guest involved: contact details (e.g., [...]

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Large cyber attack targets lens manufacturer Essilor

Large cyber attack targets lens manufacturer Essilor

The Essilor group has been the victim of a ransomware-type cyber attack since last Saturday.At the bottom of this type of attack, very popular at the moment among hackers, a phishing operation allows you to recover [...]

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Hackers assail UK-based medical agency working on COVID-19 vaccine

Hackers assail UK-based medical agency working on COVID-19 vaccine


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Malicious COVID-19 tracker app locks phones

Malicious COVID-19 tracker app locks phones

Some malicious-minded groups out there willing to take advantage of the confusion and fear of #COVID19. Cybercriminals are luring in victims with the promise of a coronavirus app for Android – but it is [...]

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+377 99920829‬
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